Nature provides all the clues for translating feelings onto a two dimensional surface. Light illuminates everything, and so my art is always a discovery of that which is hidden within myself, yet wants to shine. It is discovering how light manifests in my reality. I believe the energy translated through my humble brush directly onto the canvass makes me accept who I am from this intimate translation of form. Nature is the ultimate guide and inspiration. My evolution into the unknown is a pursuit that is the ultimate curiosity. I must follow my own instinct to discover this realm of the invisible. The visual language I have learned from the observation of nature is dynamic, subtle, eloquent, and elegant. Like a mysterious, invisible spirit, it invites me to look carefully and discover secrets through my own visual vocabulary. I am a student of light, which always humbles me. To go deeper I search for the spirit of the thing I am observing. This pursuit of spirit demands the truth of who I am: a delicate, humble, refined soul of an artist.
StateNova Scotia