Bill Creevy


New Orleans native Bill Creevy (1942-2020) painted his first oil painting in 1962 at the age of 19. Creevy says he knew then that he had found his calling. He prepped a portfolio and, without any academic training, was admitted to the MFA program at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. He eventually earned  graduate Assistantship in drawing. While at LSU, he had the opportunity to study with a number of in-resident figurative revival painters like Paul Georges and Gabriel Laderman and prepared his MFA project (a suite of etchings) under the  direction of LSU's and South Louisiana's 's premier printmaker, James Burke. In 1968 Creevy left Louisiana for NYC where he joined the first class of Max Beckmann Fellows at the Brooklyn Museum Art School. In the following years he was an active participant in NYC's Alliance of Figurative Artists and the burgeoning downtown figurative Co-Op figurative gallery community. Creevy authored two highly regarded art materials/techniques books: The Pastel Book and The Oil Painting Book. He was a beloved teacher/mentor who was honored as a Master Pastelist and Hall of Fame Honoree of the Pastel Society of America. 


